L’Dor V’Dor Collection, sterling silver, bronze, and brass. Inspired by the aesthetic of ancient coins and the weight they hold, both physically and historically. The pomegranates represent lifeforce, fertility, and fruition, sparking the intergenerational aspect of lineage, chosen and biological, in connecting with ancestors.
Olive Grove, enamel, brass, sterling silver. In a Jewish parable, a man plants a carob tree. A neighbor walks up and asks, “When will it fruit?” The man responds, “In 70 years.” The neighbor asks, “Will you live to be old enough to see the fruit?” The elder explains, “No, it’s for my grandchildren.” To pass down fruit and memory and relationship is striking. My parents planted an olive grove in their front yard. Our family and community gather to collect the olives and take them to a mill to press them into olive oil. This necklace is made from tracing olive leaves and olives from their front yard.
Comraski, brass characters, copper chain & hook. Inspired by a family name, the last two characters are hammered to represent being cut off from the name at Ellis Island.
Fruition, brass ring with copper seeds. Inspired by the pomegranate's symbol of fertility and life force. The pomegranate on the ring rotates around the inner tubing, connoting fluidity and the evolving nature of life cycles and paths.
Bring Your Timbrel, sterling silver and bronze. During Passover, Jews recite the exodus out of slavery. Amidst the fervent escape, Miriam encourages the women to bring their timbrels, highlighting the resolute faith that they would arrive to safety and freedom and to be prepared to celebrate.
Fertility, sterling silver, bronze, brass. Cast from pomegranate seeds, the earrings represent fertility and viability, fruition.
Fertility, enamel, brass, sterling silver.
Community, sterling silver, bronze, brass. Abundance of hamsas linking together, flowing down, symbolizing a sense of love, protection, and community.
Tefilat Haderech, sterling silver and brass. Inspired by the recitation of the Traveler’s Prayer before a trip or expedition, this ring opens to hold a scroll of the prayer for safety in everyday journeying.
L’Dor V’Dor Collection, sterling silver, bronze, and brass. A series invoking the concept of L’Dor V’Dor, “From Generation to Generation,” a famous Hebrew phrase in Judaism referring to the passing down of memory, tradition, history, seeds from one generation to the next.
Tzedek, copper cuff bracelet. Inspired by Amos, “May justice roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Characters for Tzedek (justice) flowing in a wave.
To Build/To Dismantle, sterling silver. From a Jewish practice at Purim of upholding the uncertainty of whether it’s better for goodness to triumph or evil to perish — two approaches to justice work: dismantling oppressive systems and building new frameworks.
Pomegranates, glass enamel, sterling silver. Hand-forged and enameled to embrace the beauty of a pomegranate bounty. Hanging on sterling silver wire.
Enough, מספיק, brass and copper. This amulet is filled with the power to protect from one’s own inner critic, to combat the feeling of not being enough, and to say no when something does not serve.
Ginkgo pendant, brass.
Copper seed on brass ring. Custom sizes available.